Non-coding RNA Biology


Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) function at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels to regulate gene expression. Some ncRNAs appear to be involved in epigenetic processes. They have been shown to play a significant role in heterochromatin formation, histone modification, DNA methylation targeting, and gene silencing. Non-coding RNAs have been found to interact with chromatin to influence gene transcription, possibly through RNA association with chromatin remodeling complexes or direct interaction with DNA. chirp (chromatin isolation by RNA purification), chart (capture hybridization analysis of RNA targets), ChOP (chromatin oligo affinity precipitation), and RAP (RNA antisense purification) are techniques that help to interpret long non-coding RNA (lncRNA)-chromatin interactions. More recently, more methods have been proposed to capture global RNA-DNA interactions. CHAR-Seq, SPRITE, and MARGI.

We provide a full range of RNA research technologies to help analyze the gene expression patterns, examine changes in the transcriptome, DNA-RNA interaction, and detect novel RNA molecules, mutations, and gene fusions, enabling a deeper understanding of RNA biology and disease development. In addition to NGS, we provide comprehensive RNA research technologies such as degradome profiling, CHIP-Seq, Ribo-Seq, and more.


Service Portfolio

Explore how our innovate technologies help you understand ncRNA dynamics via transcriptomic and bioinformatic insights.

Degradome Profiling

Degradome sequencing detect microRNA, a class of endogenous non-coding small RNA with of about 22 nt in length, some of which may participate in the regulation of alternative splicing or protein translation.

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RNA Immunoprecipitation Sequencing

RIP-seq helps to study the situation of intracellular RNA and its binding protein, a dynamic process of the post-transcriptional regulatory network.

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CLIP Sequencing

CLIP-seq unveils the situation of intracellular RNA and its binding protein, with the ability to provide a genome-wide map of protein-RNA interactions.

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Ribo-Seq (Ribosome Footprinting)

Ribo-Seq measures translation comprehensively and quantitatively. It detects the precise positions of ribosomes to determine which mRNAs are being actively translated.

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Application Fields

  • Cancer transcriptomics
  • Population genetics
  • Pharmacogenomics applications
  • Agricultural applications

Sequencing Platforms

  • Illumian HiSeq 2500 / HiSeq 4000 / HiSeq X Ten / NovaSeq 6000 / NextSeq 500 / MiSeq
  • PacBio RS II / Sequel
  • Nanopore PromethION
  • 10X Genomics
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Research Areas
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