TAIL lso-seq

By using Long-Read sequencing platforms, CD Genomics offers TAIL lso-seq service for analyzing full-length mRNA transcripts and their poly(A) tails. Our service can accurately detect alternative splicing events, fusion genes, expression levels, and poly(A) length distribution of transcripts.

Overview of Our TAIL lso-seq

Message RNA (mRNA) poly(A) tails are vital for their function and regulation. Current methods in analyzing poly(A) tails on Illumina NGS platform are limited by the inability to handle long homopolymer sequences. TAIL Iso-seq refers to the full-length transcript sequencing based on the Long-Read sequencing platform, retaining the length of the full Poly(A) tail length. In addition to accurate analysis of alternative splicing, fusion genes, and identification of the expression level, it can also comprehensively detect the Poly(A) length distribution of the transcript, which directly reflects the Poly(A) length regulatory effect on transcript expression.

We understand that each research project is unique, and our TAIL Iso-seq service is tailored to meet the specific needs of your study. Whether you are investigating gene expression regulation, isoform diversity, or alternative splicing events, our service can provide you with the data and insights necessary to advance your research.


High Accuracy Sensitive Good Reproducibility High Performance
This method improves transcript quantification accuracy and the detection ability of alternative splicing events. Using this method, we can quantify isoform-specific poly(A) tail length. The global distribution patterns of poly(A) tail length per transcript and per gene are similar between each of the replicates. One obvious feature of this method is that it has no obvious upper-size limit for detection.

Project Workflow

Sample Preparation

1. Sample Preparation

Library Preparation

2. Library Preparation


3. Sequencing

Data Analysis

4. Data Analysis & Delivery

Data analysis

Sample Requirements

RNA sample quantity ≥ 100 ng.

1.6 ≤ OD260/280 ≤ 2.3, 28S:18S ≥ 1.5, RIN ≥ 7.

Please make sure that the RNA is not significantly degraded.

Deliverable: FastQ, BAM, QC report, landscape of poly(A) tails, enrichment analysis, custom bioinformatics analysis.


  1. Liu, Yusheng, et al. Poly (A) inclusive RNA isoform sequencing (PAIso− seq) reveals wide-spread non-adenosine residues within RNA poly (A) tails. Nature communications 10.1 (2019): 1-13.
  2. Jia, Jinbu, et al. An atlas of plant full-length RNA reveals tissue-specific and monocots–dicots conserved regulation of poly (A) tail length. Nature Plants 8.9 (2022): 1118-1126.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Research Areas
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