CD Genomics not only provides comprehensive short-read and long-read sequencing services, but also has a professional bioinformatics team to guide the analysis solutions of genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic metadata. We provide session analysis services not limited to sequencing data quality control, annotation, alternative splicing analysis, assessment, differential expression analysis, regulatory interaction network, and functional analysis.
We are experienced in helping to analyze abiotic and biotic stress, developmental stages, therapeutic and other bioinformatics analysis and genome data mining. We deliver the complete report of methods, tools, visualization analysis results and all other reports in a secure and confidential service process.
- Data analysis solutions that go beyond RNA-Seq to provide a fresh perspective for you
- Extensive experience in both next-generation and long-read sequencing data analysis
- Complete confidentiality process, from project communication and collaboration to reports delivery, ensuring well privacy and security
- Deliverable: FastQ, BAM, coverage summary, QC report, custom bioinformatics analysis report
Service Portfolio
Explore how we propel your projects with our innovative RNA-Seq technologies and bioinformatic insights.
Gene Expression Analysis
Quantitative analysis of gene expression is essential for understanding the molecular mechanisms of genomic regulation. Gene expression differential analysis of data generated from wet experiments by bioinformatic means can uncover potential biomarkers for specific disease phenotypes and enable further biomarker validation.
Our gene expression data analysis includes but is not limited to (a) mapping sequencing reads to a reference genome or transcriptome, (b) quantifying the expression levels of individual genes and transcripts, and (c) identifying specific genes and transcripts that are differentially expressed between samples.
Gene Functional Enrichment Analysis (Pathway Enrichment Analysis)
Gene function refers to the set of many gene functions that represent certain functional characteristics and biological processes. Through gene function enrichment analysis, hundreds of different functional genes, proteins or other molecules can be clustered into different biological pathways, where a set of genes or proteins that achieve a certain functional trait in an organism, etc., are often enriched into a particular pathway. Gene function enrichment analysis reduces the complexity of subsequent analyses and also identifies biological pathways that play a key role in biological processes, helping to reveal and understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of biological processes. We can use various external and internal gene function databases, including GO, KEGG, Reactome, etc.
Alternative Splicing Analysis
Alternative Splicing (AS) is the process of combining exons and introns from one mRNA precursor by different splicing methods to produce different mRNA splice isoforms. AS is regulated by cis-regulatory elements (RNA motifs) with specific structural domains and RNA-binding proteins that recognize these motifs.
We can assemble and construct transcript sequences from sequencing data of next-generation and long-read full-length transcriptome data, predict the structure of exons and introns and identify alternative splicing patterns.
Small RNA (sRNA) Data Analysis
Small RNA is an important class of functional molecules in living organisms, including microRNA, siRNA and piRNA, whose main functions are to induce gene silencing and regulate biological processes such as cell growth, development, gene transcription and translation. Our small RNA data analysis service can process raw transcriptome data, explore the distribution characteristics of small RNA in the whole genome, small RNA classification annotation, differential expression analysis and target gene prediction, and other data analysis services.
Long Non-Coding RNA (lncRNA) Data Analysis
Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are widely found in various eukaryotic organisms, including lower yeast and higher mammals, and are involved in a variety of biological processes. LncRNAs can act as recruiters, tethers, traps and signaling molecules for interactions, and perform their regulatory functions through epigenetic, transcriptional and translational forms.
We can identify lncRNAs on a genome-wide scale, analyze species lncRNA profiles, and perform target prediction and functional analysis of lncRNAs, as well as regulatory networks and functional gene data according to client projects. We have completed lncRNA functional correlation analysis projects for a variety of plants and animals.
RNA Modifications Data Analysis
Transcript modifications play an important regulatory role in various life activities. Common modifications include N6-adenylation (m6A), N1-adenylation (m1A), cytosine hydroxylation (m5C), etc. We can analyze and predict RNA modifications at the genome-wide level by evaluating and analyzing sequencing data.
Epigenomics Analysis
Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene activity caused by mechanisms other than changes in DNA sequence. Epigenetic analysis studies involve alterations in DNA/RNA methylation, DNA/RNA-protein interactions, chromatin accessibility, histone modifications, etc. Joint transcriptome data analysis is the study of regulatory mechanisms by which epigenetic mutations affect transcriptional expression, and downstream phenotypic changes. We offer RNA genomics analysis due to your need.
Application Fields
- Cancer transcriptomics
- Population genetics
- Drug and biomarker development
- Pharmacogenomics applications
- Agricultural applications
Sequencing Platforms
- Illumian HiSeq X Ten / NovaSeq 6000 / NextSeq 500 / MiSeq
- PacBio Sequel II
- Nanopore PromethION / MinION
- 10X Genomics
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.