FFPE (formalin-fixed paraffin embedding) is one of the most commonly used methods of tissue preservation in clinical practice, which is mainly used in pathology, clinical diagnosis and scientific research. By collecting fresh samples fixed with formalin and embedded in paraffin for long-term preservation, this method can preserve the complete tissue structure, and tissue sections can help us to carry out histomorphological and immunohistochemical studies.
In addition, the FFPE preservation method can also retain RNA molecules or DNA molecules in tissues or cells. However, formalin may cause damage to RNA molecules and DNA molecules during sample fixation, and paraffin embedding uses high temperature infiltration to accelerate nucleic acid degradation. As a result, the quality of RNA and DNA in FFPE organization block is poor, and low-quality nucleic acid samples also pose challenges to RNA / DNA sequencing. However, with the development of technology, FFPE RNA-seq has become an effective method to obtain valuable transcriptome information from such samples.
FFPE RNA-seq (Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded RNA Sequencing) is a research method based on RNA-Seq for extracting and analyzing RNA from FFPE tissue samples. FFPE RNA-seq allows researchers to obtain transcriptomic data from historically archived FFPE tissues such as pathological samples, clinical tissue specimens, and so on. FFPE tissues to obtain transcriptome data, which in turn reveals information about long-term genetic changes, gene mutations, transcript structure, and more.
The first step in FFPE sample preservation is to fix the sample in formalin, but formalin fixation causes damage to the RNA molecules in three main ways:
(1) degradation of the RNA fractions (especially long-stranded RNA molecules), which usually results in shorter RNA fragments (100-500 nt) in the final FFPE organization block and impairs the integrity and availability of the RNA molecules.
(2) Formalin reacts with RNA and proteins by cross-linking, causing the RNA molecules to form covalent bonds with other molecules in the tissue, and the cross-linking makes it much less efficient for us to extract RNA from the sample.
(3) Chemical modifications such as methylation, uracil modification, etc. may be introduced, thus interfering with subsequent steps such as reverse transcription and amplification.
Therefore FFPE RNA-seq is different from general RNA-seq and requires special steps to ensure that usable RNA molecules are extracted.
The following are the main steps of FFPE RNA-seq:
Processing FFPE samples for the TempO-Seq assay (Trejo CL et al.,2019)
For FFPE RNA-seq, there are generally two library construction methods: removal of rRNA library and exon capture method, the two library construction methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, we are introduced separately:
Because rRNAs accounts for the majority of intracellular RNAs, and rRNAs are usually not involved in the regulation of gene expression, removing rRNAs can dramatically increase the proportion of mRNAs or other RNAs of interest for analysis. Especially true for FFPE samples, where the RNAs are usually already degraded and fragmented, efficient removal of rRNA is particularly important.
For FFPE samples, the following methods are commonly used to remove rRNA:
The exon trapping method is based on the design of specific probes that bind only to the exon portion of the gene, thereby selectively enriching mRNA. This method usually includes the following steps:
FFPE RNA-seq technology is particularly suitable for obtaining gene expression data from historically stored clinical pathology samples, and has a wide range of applications, especially in the fields of oncology research, disease diagnosis and precision medicine. With the deepening of medical research, clinical pathology samples (especially FFPE) have become a valuable resource library. These samples are usually kept in hospitals and research institutes for many years, and have unique historical value. FFPE RNA-seq technology is able to successfully extract sufficient amount and quality of RNA from these historical samples through advanced RNA extraction and library construction techniques, and then perform high-throughput gene expression sequencing. This not only enables researchers to analyze old samples that have been abandoned, but also provides new data support for many studies that have lost their fresh sample sources.
Especially in the field of tumor research, the use of FFPE samples is of great significance. Tumor occurrence and development is often a long-term process, and historical tissue samples from patients can help researchers retrace the early changes and progression mechanisms of tumors, providing key molecular markers and gene expression information for early diagnosis, staging, prognostic assessment, and targeted therapy.
In addition, this technology can help counteract the drug resistance mechanisms of patient tumors during treatment and promote the development of precision medicine, thus enabling personalized treatment strategies. In the field of disease diagnosis and precision medicine, FFPE RNA-seq can not only provide in-depth gene-level understanding of complex diseases (e.g., cancer, genetic diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, etc.), but also provide strong data support for biomarker discovery and clinical translation.
The most common method used in cancer research is to use fresh tissue for genome-wide or transcriptome identification. These fresh tissue samples provide high-quality RNA and DNA samples, which can be used to analyze the expression profiles of tumor molecules at a certain stage or period of time in the fresh tissues, however, for most of the cancers, only a few of them can provide enough fresh tissues samples to obtain high-quality RNA samples and accurate in vitro RNA expression.
However, for most cancers, only a small percentage of cancers can provide enough fresh tissue samples to obtain high-quality RNA samples and accurate in vitro RNA expression, and for cancers that develop over time, fresh tissues are not available, and long-term outcome data are not easy to obtain, making FFPE RNA-seq especially important.
In breast cancer, ER+ breast cancer patients have been found to have a survival rate of more than 95% at 5 years of disease, but metastatic trends have been found in approximately 20%-40% of patients with 10-20 years of disease. To investigate the long-term nature of this cancer in relation to time, the researchers selected breast cancer tissue samples preserved in FFPE for 2-23 years (cervical TRB-approved breast specimens from non-menopausal women aged 20-45 yrs.) for RNA-seq. It was tested that one or two 10 μm slices of the breast FFPE specimen were sufficient to extract a sufficient amount of RNA sample for analysis. Comparison of ER+ and ER- data from fresh tissue with FFPE preserved samples resulted in the identification of more than 14,000 DEGs, and eight regulator networks differentially expressed in ER+ and ER- were identified by regulator analysis. There were two types of regulator networks: those defined by KDM4B associated with transcripts, and in particular KDM4B was strongly associated with ER+ breast cancer, but further evaluation of the association between KDM4B and ER+ breast cancer survival is needed. In conclusion FFPE RNA-seq provides long-term outcome data in breast cancer and helps us to develop new tumor markers(Pennock ND et al.,2019).
CRT is the standard treatment for SCCA, but 10%-26% of patients do not respond to CRT treatment or even after undergoing CRT treatment, about 25% of patients will experience recurrence. Moreover, no effective biomarkers have been detected in SCCA patients after receiving CRT. In order to characterize the response that occurs in SCCA patients in vivo and the therapeutic efficacy of CRT, the researchers chose to perform RNA-seq on the FFPE organization blocks of 9 non-relapsed and 3 relapsed patients to identify the differences in their transcripts. 449 DEGs, including mRNA, IncRNA, snRNA, etc., were identified in the two transcripts, and their PCA and GO analyses revealed that the core of up-regulated genes in the non-relapsed tissues were CD40LG, IL4, ICAM2,HLA-I, HLA-II, etc., and that the pathway in which they were collectively involved was the xenotransplantation rejection reaction, and that they were able to inhibit tumor The gene miR-4316, which inhibits tumor growth and proliferation, was significantly up-regulated in non-recurrent tissues, whereas the gene lncRNA-SOX21-AS1, which is associated with cancer development, was more significantly expressed in recurrent tissues. This suggests that identification of FFPE organization blocks from tumor patients by RNA-seq has found genes associated with SCCA recurrence and non-recurrence, which can provide effective information for treatment(Ye Y et al.,2023).
Fusion gene is one of the most important causes of cancer, and the detection of transcripts of fusion genes is of great significance for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. RNA-seq is recognized as a good method for extracting transcripts, but a large portion of the RNA-seq results are based on fresh tissues, which are not easy to carry around, are inconvenient, and have a low accessibility. So FFPE RNA-seq was developed to extract transcript data based on FFPE-preserved clinical tissue samples, and it was proven that FFPE RNA-seq can obtain high-quality and effective gene expression and fusion transcript assays.
The researchers selected FFPE organization blocks from the ethnic cohorts of two research teams: 136 patients with breast cancer and 76 patients with breast cancer (patients aged 8.5-13.4 years), and out of these 212 different samples, the researchers identified 118 fusion transcripts by FFPE RNA-seq (based on single-ended 50bp reads from gFuse), 100 unique fusion junction events, and approximately 61% of FFPE RNA-seq was accurate as analyzed by the qRT-PCR assay TaqMan. Application of gFuse demonstrated that single-ended RNA-seq data from aged FFPE tumor tissues also had the same fusion transcript events described above. Three fusion linkage events were also found to be present in all 212 patients. These fusion genes were associated with breast cancer prognosis and also showed that FFPE RNA-seq can detect fusion transcripts thus helping us to develop new biomarkers by studying samples of tissues from long-term clinical miles(Ma Y et al.,2014).
There is a consensus that fusion genes contribute to hematologic diseases and solid tumors, and the need to detect fusion genes is an essential part of clinical practice. The technology for detecting fusion genes has been evolving, and currently, more than 33,000 different fusion events involving 14,000 unique genes have been identified in cancer. The most common method of tissue preservation in the clinic is the FFPE method, and RNA extraction from FFPE organization blocks is indispensable for the identification of fusion genes. The researchers used mRNA capture sequencing to identify fusion genes in FFPE organization blocks, extracting FFPE biomaterial from six patients for fusion transcript analysis. It was shown that mRNA capture sequencing could identify to all demonstrated chromosomal rearrangement events. Application of RNA exome sequencing to identify FFPE tumor samples from 17 patients with ARMS and URCS revealed gene fusion events not identified by FISH analysis.RT-qPCR results confirmed the confidence of the FFPE RNA-seq data. Detection of this fusion event in clinicopathology indicates the presence of a clinicopathologic mystery sarcoma. This suggests that FFPE RNA-seq can not only identify known fusion genes but also detect specific gene fusion events not detected by other methods(Decock A et al.,2022).
Whether it is healthy or diseased tissues, obtaining their transcriptome data is crucial for us to study diseases, and a good method of tissue preservation is FFPE preservation. However, FFPE preservation can damage the ribonucleic acid in the tissues, so it is especially important to analyze their transcriptomes to see if the transcriptomic data of the tissues can be accurately mapped.
The researchers selected human (FFPE-preserved clinical samples from the indicated dates through 2016), mouse (wild-type adult mouse samples of the C57BL/6 genetic strain preserved for 24 h by FFPE), and rat (obtained from the University of Arizona Cancer Center) for TempO-Seq, and performed transcriptome analyses on a wide variety of tissues (human prostate, pancreatic, and colorectal carcinomas, mouse breasts, hindlimb muscles, non rat liver, brain, and kidney FFPE organization blocks) and found that FFPE TempO-Seq data results had reproducible and high quality attributes. And the preservation time did not affect the RNA-seq results of FFPE organization blocks, and the results of both long-term preserved samples and short-term preserved samples had highly accurate and reproducible RNA expression levels. It was also found that the FFPE preservation method was equivalent to the results of fresh tissues, i.e., the expression profile data of FFPE organization blocks were comparable to those of fresh tissues, which proved that FFPE samples could obtain highly accurate RNA-seq data(Trejo CL et al.,2019).
The pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is unclear, but the mortality rate is high and increases with age. Much of the research on IPF has utilized fresh frozen tissue, but this has drawbacks such as being available only in places with highly sophisticated instrumentation or not being able to map the histology in its entirety. Therefore, the researchers used RNA-seq to study FFPE-preserved IPF tissue to investigate whether this method is feasible. The researchers selected FFPE organization blocks (preserved for an average of 6 years) from 7 IPF patients and 5 controls for RNA-seq (50 bp end sequencing), identified multiple DEGs, and compared the expression profiling data obtained from FFPE organization blocks with that from fresh frozen tissue (which was clearly representative of IPF transcripts), demonstrating that the FFPE RNA-seq method is feasible and the results are comparable to the microarray results of FF tissues.The FFPE RNA-seq data identified DEGs associated with IPF and there were also some discrepancies in the results of FF tissues, but after NanoString nCounter analysis, the genes that were not the same in the two datasets were probably due to tissue heterogeneity, but this also indicates that FFPE RNA-seq can be used as a research method for resolving IPF(Vukmirovic M et al.,2017).
BCa is currently the most common type of cancer in the urinary tract of both men and women.EVs can transport cargo to specific target cells and thus play a communication role, thus it is involved in many physiological and pathological processes.The presence of EVs can be detected in almost all types of biological fluids, thus it can be used as a biomarker in liquid biopsies. However, the EVs found in these fluids could not be identified as belonging specifically to which specific tissue such as blood, urine, etc. In order to identify EVs specific to blood and urine, the researchers performed Total RNA-seq using 16 FFPE tumor tissues and more than 20 samples each of exosomes, blood, and urine from patients with BCa, with the RNA from FFPE tumor tissues of higher quality. Molecules from blood versus urine were categorized according to the corresponding FFPE tumor tissue analysis, and by comparing the differential transcripts, it was found that KRT6A isoforms EVs were more abundant in fluid sEVs from FFPE tissue-based Ba/Sq isoforms patients' urine. Comparative analysis of differential transcripts in FFPE tumor tissue samples, urine sEVs, and plasma sEVs found 10 DEGs in different types from NMIBC and MIBC. and comparing sEVs from the three sources mentioned above with sEVs from adjacent sources of tumor tissue, four BCa-specific mRNA biomarkers were found: OR4K5, FAM138F, FAM71E2, and KRTAP26-1, and the researchers demonstrated that sEVs obtained from tissues are more responsive to a wider range of tissue- or disease-specific biological features than sEVs obtained in vivo, and that urinary sEVs are the sEVs most likely to yield specific biomarkers in vivo(Dong L et al.,2024).
Specific RNA-seq techniques and their uses can be found in the following pages: "Overview of RNA Sequencing Techniques".